News Room

Discover the current happenings at Emmanuel International Canada and our latest projects, events and products.

Transforming Lives in Northern Uganda: The Vision for the SEND Centre

Transforming Lives in Northern Uganda: The Vision for the SEND Centre

In the heart of Northern Uganda, a new vision is taking shape—a place where faith, discipleship, and mission training will come together to equip the next generation of leaders. Emmanuel Internatio...

PhilippinesBring Clean Water to Edmar Village in the Philippines

Bring Clean Water to Edmar Village in the Philippines

Help Us Raise $7,500 by March 20th to Complete This Life-Changing Water Refilling Project Imagine living in a community where clean drinking water is scarce, and families must pay high prices just ...

MalawiTransforming Adolescent HIV Care in Malawi: The Impact of the Teen Club Project

Transforming Adolescent HIV Care in Malawi: The Impact of the Teen Club Project

Since January 2024, Emmanuel International Canada, with funding from the Rotary Club of Uxbridge, Ontario, has been empowering adolescents in Malawi through the Teen Club project. Implemented acros...

PhilippinesSuccess stories of Education in the Philippines

Success stories of Education in the Philippines

In the Philippines, one of the biggest barriers in getting proper education is poverty. Most students are unable to finish education because their parents do not earn enough to put food on the tabl...

MalawiIntroducing the newest project in Malawi - Titukule Azimai (Empower women)

Introducing the newest project in Malawi - Titukule Azimai (Empower women)

We are pleased to share this great news with you! In June 2024, Emmanuel International Canada began implementing a $2M, 4-year Global Affairs Canada-funded project called Titukule Azimai (translate...

MalawiTransforming Lives: Emmanuel International Malawi's Integrated Livelihood Program

Transforming Lives: Emmanuel International Malawi's Integrated Livelihood Program

Since its inception in 2017, Emmanuel International Malawi (EIMW) has been dedicated to transforming the lives of vulnerable communities through its Integrated Livelihood Program. Supported by fund...

PhilippinesPrimary Healthcare and Water Projects Decrease  Disease in the Philippines

Primary Healthcare and Water Projects Decrease Disease in the Philippines

Ken and Ruth Copsey have been working in the Philippines for over 40 years. They were originally assigned to the Visayan group of Islands, then Luzon and Mindanao. They now work out of California, ...

PhilippinesTonton and Nona mark three years as Country Director Philippines

Tonton and Nona mark three years as Country Director Philippines

In the Philippines, EI’s work is sharing the gospel of Jesus, while also helping meet the practical needs of people affected by repeat major storms. Antonio (Tonton) and Nona are missionaries in Pa...

MalawiInternational Women's Day: VSLA initiatives leads to Community Development

International Women's Day: VSLA initiatives leads to Community Development

March 8, 2024, marks International Women’s Day and today we celebrate the achievements of women in Malawi. The story of Chimwemwe Village Savings and Loans (VSLA) in Nsalule village, T/A Katuli, Ma...

CanadaEmpowering Communities: During International Development Week 2024

Empowering Communities: During International Development Week 2024

International Development Week (IDW) serves as a significant platform to recognize and celebrate the efforts and achievements in global development. As we observe IDW, Emmanuel International Canada...

Christmas 2023 What a great success because of you!

Christmas 2023 What a great success because of you!

We want to take this time to celebrate your generosity this past Christmas. We are excited to share with you the final amounts and how your support will enhance the work of Emmanuel International.Y...

From Shy to Confident Adolescent

From Shy to Confident Adolescent

  Samson (not his name) is a 17-year-old residing in Ndamela, Nsanje district, living with HIV. Prior to his involvement in the Teen Club, he faced significant challenges accessing medical services...

TanzaniaFootbridge in Mafuluto, Tanzania

Footbridge in Mafuluto, Tanzania

We have made even better progress than we dared hope and have an almost-complete bridge deck in place now.  It has been a tough week for everyone, with 35ºC daytime temperatures, not a lot cooler a...

CanadaEmmanuel International Canada Gala

Emmanuel International Canada Gala

EI Canada's annual Gala Auction Fundraiser took place on October 28, 2023, with 165 attendees enjoying a night filled with delicious food, lively bidding on highly sought-after items, and insights ...

MalawiThe dream of Pastor Yakobe in Malawi

The dream of Pastor Yakobe in Malawi

LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROJECT Leadership Training Program (LTP) is a ministry which was established in 1998 in order to provide a 2-year Theological Training to church leaders in Evangelical Baptist ...

BrazilGrowing in God, a story of Marco in Brazil

Growing in God, a story of Marco in Brazil

In Brazil, the 7th Presbyterian Church runs a program called the Nineira Project, aimed at empowering children and teenagers by teaching them various skills. Through this initiative, participants...


An Interview with Walter Okidi of Uganda

Walter Okidi is in his sixth year working with Emmanuel International Uganda, and he is currently the General Manager. Learn about each of EI Uganda’s main projects below in an interview with Brit...

TanzaniaA River Footbridge in Tanzania

A River Footbridge in Tanzania

The Ruaha River is a great blessing for the people of Iringa region of Tanzania, but it can be lethal if you need to cross it without a bridge in the rainy season! Mafuluto is a remote village 70km...

MalawiMacLeans Malawi Update

MacLeans Malawi Update

Emmanuel International Malawi has a variety of wholistic projects at work through local churches and communities in Malawi and Mozambique. Scott and Lorilee are Canadian missionaries who have been ...

UgandaUganda Mission Mobilization

Uganda Mission Mobilization

The goal of the Uganda Missions Mobilization ministry is to increase the number of indigenous missionaries being sent cross-culturally by Ugandan churches to people groups that currently have littl...

UgandaNurturing children into Christian maturity

Nurturing children into Christian maturity

The goal of the Child Discipleship ministry is to nurture children into Christian maturity by strengthening or assisting churches and schools to create self-sustaining children’s discipleship minis...

Uganda Update from 2022

Uganda Update from 2022

This report highlights the accomplishment of EI Uganda during the 2022 fiscal year. Mike and Marianne Botting area based in Uganda, Mike serving as Country Director overseeing the activities and st...

Tanzania10, 000 Reasons

10, 000 Reasons

A story from Tanzania by Laura Kelly, Depending on the context, that's either a big or a small number. In Tanzania, 10,000 shillings is the equivalent of $5.88 CND. You can buy 5kg of rice or a sma...

BrazilA visit to Brazil with the Jones'

A visit to Brazil with the Jones'

March 2020, Paul and Helen Jones (EI International Director) and Richard and Pam McGowan (EI Canda Director) were heading to Brazil to visit EI’s work there, when the world went into lockdown. Fast...