Girls Health, Strength and Dignity
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Did you know that 26 million girls and women are displaced around the world, many of whom struggle to manage their monthly menstruation safely, comfortably, and with dignity? The barriers to menstrual hygiene management (MHM) faced by adolescent schoolgirls in low-income countries are great, including inadequate water, sanitation and disposal facilities, and insufficient guidance to help girls feel confident in attending school during their period.
In 2019, Emmanuel International Tanzania (EITZ) partnered with Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) to bring a menstrual health project to 2,000 schoolgirls in the North Mwanza region. EITZ delivered a program of holistic training sessions, which provided physiological, social, and spiritual guidance around the taboo topics of menstruation and puberty.
In July 2022, over 1,300 girls, teachers, and municipal leaders gathered in a field to testify about the goodness of God. The girls shared how this newfound knowledge has increased their confidence, the teachers expressed how the girls are testing better on exams, and the municipal leaders revealed that pregnancy rates have declined since the beginning of our project. Watch the video below for a quick snapshot of the day!
In September 2022, at the request of the Health Education Officer, EITZ began sessions at 3 more secondary schools in the region. Praise God!
WASH Project
Keeping girls in school is a must, but unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are making that impossible. Schools have limited sanitation services, specifically crude pit latrines that are unhygienic and insufficient in number.
In December 2021, EITZ partnered with TAG to refurbish existing latrine facilities and to construct new latrines and dignity changing rooms at 3 primary schools and 1 secondary school in the North Mwanza region. These improvements will give these girls, and many more for years to come, a clean and private space to wash and change.
Watch this video to see a snapshot of this project: